Media release

Disturbance - Yuendumu


Sixteen people have been arrested following further disturbances in Yuendumu overnight.

Additional police from neighbouring communities and from Alice Springs were sent to the Yuendumu overnight after fighting broke out around 5.30pm on Sunday.

Police investigations have led to the arrest of 16 alleged offenders so far and further arrests are expected.

Superintendent Peter Gordon said the disturbances were just the latest in a series of on-going family fights in the community.

"The additional police resources will remain until the offenders have all been arrested and dealt with," Supt Gordon said.

"Police are continuing to work with other agencies and members of the community to restore and maintain order.

"It is extremely disappointing that some members of the community appear to be ignoring the efforts made so far with mediation, but police will continue to apprehend and prosecute those found to be involved in any on-going disturbances."

Media Contact:
Theresa Kuilboer
8951 8825