Media release

Cyclone Safety Preparations


Due to expected worsening weather conditions over the Top End, schools will be closed across the Greater Darwin Region tomorrow.

With a cyclone warning now issued, the Territory Counter Disaster Council has decided that in the interests of safety, students should stay home on Wednesday.

Commissioner John McRoberts says "People should not be alarmed, the move is to ensure young people are safe and not out in squally weather conditions which may include winds of up to 90km/h."

Schools will be closed from Batchelor through to the Tiwi Islands.

Non-essential Government Service employees have also been granted leave tomorrow to look after their children.

"This will take the pressure off infrastructure and reduce the risk of injury to people." Commissioner McRoberts said.

"We expect to experience debris on roads, traffic lights out, localised flooding and the potential for downed power lines."

"Keeping people off the roads will go a long way to protecting their safety." Said Commissioner McRoberts.

Emergency Services are also working to provide emergency accommodation for homeless people. Once accommodation is confirmed, Night Patrols will be utilised to transport people to shelter.

If people have to venture outside they're being warned to be careful of falling trees and power poles to due the already waterlogged ground from a very wet, wet season.

The Counter Disaster Council will meet again at 9am tomorrow to review the weather situation.

For road conditions people are urged to call 1800 246 199

For fallen power lines people are urged to call 1800 245 090

And for fallen trees call the emergency services communications centre on 131 444.

Media Contact
Michael Holland
0437 293 609