Media release

Christmas Road Safety Campaign Launch


Too many families will spend their first Christmas without a loved one, after 39 deaths on Territory roads so far this year.

The ripple effect will see hundreds of people lamenting the loss instead of embracing the Christmas celebrations.

Police - in conjunction with the Department of Lands and Planning and TIO – are once again joining forces to try to stop the carnage on our roads this festive season.

Today marks the launch of the Christmas Road Safety Campaign.

“Too many people are dying on our roads. Police do their best to keep people safe, but we need the public to take responsibility for their actions and make good decisions.” Said Acting Commander Bob Rennie.

“No one is suggesting you can’t enjoy yourself, but plan ahead and don’t drink and drive.”

“We don’t want any more empty chairs at Christmas luncheons through further rises in the road toll. With the help of DLP and TIO there are plenty of options to get home safely.” Said Act Cmdr Rennie

People are reminded a Sober Bob doesn’t have to be a designated sober friend but can be a taxi, bus or someone else organised to pick you up. Participating venues will again be spreading the ‘Who’s Your Sober Bob’ message with free soft drinks for drivers.

TIO has also taken the message to the streets with a bus emblazoned with its message ‘Drink and Drive and you Deserve It’.

The Christmas Express Shuttle Service also begins this Saturday. People can board the shuttle at the bus stop on Mitchell Street opposite Kitty O’Sheas from 1am and get home in the City for $5, the Northern Suburbs for $10 and to Palmerston for $15.

The Shuttle Service will run every Saturday and Sunday night right up until Christmas.

There really is no excuse to drink and drive this festive season… and remember, mates don’t let mates drive drunk!