Media release

Businesses Beating Crime - Alice Springs


Northern Territory Police continue to dedicate significant resources to combating crime in Alice Springs. But Police can’t do it alone. The Businesses Beating Crime campaign aims to provide additional tools for business owners to ensure their premises, staff and customers are as safe and secure as they can be.

“Last summer Alice Springs experienced a tumultuous time with an increase in crime and anti-social behaviour.” Said Acting Commander Michael White.

“Through dedicated Policing operations and the help of business owners, everything that can be done will be done to ensure we don’t see a repeat of last summer’s negative impact on the community.  That said, there are other 'silent' crimes that impact businesses in Alice Springs such as credit card fraud and other e-crimes.  Business owners need to be aware of these new and emerging crime types so they can protect themselves against this ever growing group of criminals.”

In conjunction with TIO, the Northern Territory Police are launching this Businesses Beating Crime initiative.  It will incorporate the delivery of a Business Security Kit to as many Alice Springs businesses as possible.  This kit includes information to help business owners secure their premises and also have measures in place to help deal with incidents such as aggressive people, robbery, personal safety and fraud. 

In addition, on the 1st of February 2012, the Northern Territory Police and TIO will hold a free business forum for all business owners and operators in Alice Springs to provide additional information about current crime trends, proven prevention methods and how the Northern Territory Police can assist owners and operators in making their businesses as safe and secure as possible from criminals.