Media release

Arrest for Armed Hold-up - Driver


The male attended the store at approximately 4:00pm with a jumper wrapped around his head as a disguise. He produced a knife and demanded cash from the register.

He then fled on foot down Driver Avenue with a quantity of cash.

Palmerston Police members attended the scene and after a short search and a chase, located some of the stolen cash and apprehended the male several streets away hiding in bushes.

Watch Commander Greg Pusterla said this was a great result for all involved.

"I would really like to thank not only the retired Police Officer and other members of the public who assisted us with the apprehension, but also the speedy response from Palmerston Police members. Within 10 minutes of us receiving the report, the members had attended and arrested the male," he said.

Another 20-year-male has also been arrested in relation to the same offence.

Media Contact
Amy Sloan