Media release

Answers to flood and cyclone questions for Rapid Creek residents


The Northern Territory Emergency Service (NTES) and Department of Natural Resources, Environment, The Arts and Sports (NRETAS) will be hosting a stall at the Rapid Creek Markets this Sunday, 20 November 2011.

Residents are welcome to visit the stall between 10am and 12pm and have the opportunity to discuss with representatives from NTES and NRETAS any concerns they might have with the upcoming cyclone season and measures they can take to mitigate flooding affects on their own property.  There will be information on cyclone preparedness, sandbagging techniques and locations on where to find sandbags and soil.

In response to Tropical Cyclone Carlos earlier this year, the NT Government has also invested in a sandbagging machine and this will be on display for residents to view.

Media Contact:

Lisa Hutton

8985 8835

0427 660 594