Media release

Another hoon caught - Alice Springs


Police have caught another hoon in Alice Springs overnight – the third this week.

Sgt Robertson said the 21-year-old man came to police attention as he was travelling west on Larapinta Drive last night.

“At around 8pm Police noticed a Ford Falcon sedan being driven at speed and with only one headlight along Larapinta Drive,” Sgt Robertson said.

“The driver then overtook the vehicle in front of his by travelling over double lines and crossing into the inbound lane into the path of a police car. He then crossed back into the outbound lane before stopping at the Larapinta Drive and Lyndavale Drive intersection to give way to oncoming traffic.

“He started making a right hand turn doing  a burn-out which caused the car to slide and then had to brake hard to avoid colliding with other cars. He then took off at speed around the stationary cars near the IGA supermarket before overtaking a car on a blind bend. Police caught up with the driver when he stopping in front of a residence in Patterson Street.”

The driver was arrested and  was found to be driving with a blood alcohol level of .147 per cent. He was charged with:

  • Driving in a manner dangerous
  • Doing burn-outs
  • Drive with a medium range blood alcohol content
  • Driving unlicensed
  • Driving recklessly.

He has been bailed to appear in the Alice Springs  Magistrates Court on  November 30     and his car has been impounded for 48 hours.

Media Contact
Theresa Kuilboer
8951 8825