Media release

Youths arrested for damage to ten cars –Alice Springs


Four youths have been arrested after ten cars were damaged in Alice Springs on Tuesday night.

Police allege that two of the group, aged 12 and 14, smashed the window of a Tarago van parked in Leichardt Terrace earlier in the night, then drove the vehicle to Elliott Street where they picked up two more youths aged 14 and 10.

The group then drove around town before the vehicle broke down in Gap Road. The offenders then smashed the window of another vehicle parked nearby before going to the Crown Plaza Hotel car park where they allegedly smashed windows on a further eight cars.

All the cars were rummaged through and property was stolen including CB radios, two digital cameras, a carton of soft drink and two UHF radios.

The group then stole a Toyota Yaris and drove it around Alice Springs before driving to Santa Teresa where the car was located by police the next day. The four were arrested and interviewed resulting in one of the 14-year-olds and the 10-year-old being released to undertake Youth Diversion.

The remaining 14-year-old and the 12-year-old have been charged with numerous offences including aggravated unlawful use of a motor vehicle, ten counts of criminal damage and nine of stealing. They will appear in the Youth Justice Court today.

Police investigations are continuing and more arrests are expected.

Media contact:
Theresa Kuilboer
8951 8825
0419 803 603