Media release

Water Supply for Protesters during Yesterdays Protest


Northern Territory Police can confirm that water and other comforts were continually offered to Afghan detainees involved in the protest yesterday.

Upon Police arrival at the protest scene, the detainees had already been provided with water by Northern Immigration Detention Centre employees and some protesters already had their own.

Despite numerous offers of water by Police and growing concerns for welfare, the Police Negotiators interpreter confirmed many of the detainees will not currently drink or eat during the day for religious reasons. Some detainees however did accept water and sunscreen. One of these empty bottles was later thrown at media representatives containing a message.

At no stage throughout the protest did any detainee ask for water and at no point did Police refuse access to water.

The detainees were also aware they could return to the centre for food and water at any time .

Police expressed concerns for welfare on a number of occasions but key spokespersons for the group continually refused offers of comfort including shade and water. Negotiators further worked to confirm the spokespersons were truly representing the whole group.

Police did however overrule some refusals for comfort by ensuring 5 of the protesters were medically assessed before being conveyed by St John Ambulance to Royal Darwin Hospital for treatment. Medical concerns included heat exhaustion, chest pains and an ankle injury believed to have been sustained while breaking through the centre fence.

There are currently 89 detainees in the Police Watch House, Darwin Police Station.