Media release

Update 4 - Ex-Tropical Cyclone Paul


The whole of Government Emergency Operations Centre based in Katherine Police Station has commenced the handover into the recovery phase.

The hotline number established has received very minimal calls over the last 24 hour period and no emergency calls. This hotline will cease operation at 3pm today.

Anyone requiring emergency assistance should contact triple zero or 131 444 for police assistance.

Director of NT Emergency Services and Executive Officer for the Counter Disaster Council, Peter Davies would like to acknowledge the coordinated and timely efforts by all those involved in the emergency response phase to date,

"This Emergency Situation is the first ever declared in the NT since this intermediate position was introduced at the start of this year.

"The declaration is not bound by legislation but has enabled a central coordination point through the Katherine Police Station.

"This declared situation can only work if all those involved provide timely updates and evolving situation reports to enable a coordinated response and efficient despatch of resources to all those identified as requiring emergency assistance.

"Communities, individuals, government agencies, Shires, outstations, the Laynhapau Homelands Association and GEMCO have all been a part of this emergency response effort across what can generally be described as some of the most geographically challenging and isolated areas of Australia, made worse by the weather conditions.

"I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those involved for their efforts over the last few days and I look forward to working with them throughout the recovery." Mr Davies concluded.

As the Recovery phase gets underway, Shires and the Laynhapuy Homelands Association supported by the Northern Territory Government have commenced repair work and thorough assessments of further damage and required works.

Photos attached courtesy of NT Police:
Donydji Outstation food drop - evening of 01 April 2010

Editors Note: Public Information updates and media requests relating to specific agencies throughout the recovery phase should be directed to those agency media contacts.

The Police, Fire and Emergency Services on-call media unit will continue to provide updates on the current search and rescue missions in addition to any other PFES unfolding incidents as usual.

Useful Contacts:

Weather - Bureau of Meteorology - or 1300 659 211

Power and Water Authority -1800 245 092

Road reports -

Media contact:
Katie Fowden

All other PFES media on call requests - 0417 770 686