Media release

Update 2 - Ex Tropical Cyclone Paul


A hotline has now been established, directly linking in to the Emergency Operation Centre at the Katherine Police Station.

The 24 hour number to call is 1800 552 596.

This Emergency Operation Centre coordinates the whole of government response across the effected regions.

All those requiring assistance such as food, medical supplies, or have concerns for their own or community welfare as a result of the current weather situation, are urged to get in contact with this Emergency Operation Centre.

During a press conference held between the Chief Minister and Police Commissioner earlier today, an Emergency Situation was declared for parts of the East Arnhem Land and the Roper and Gulf Shire regions.

This is the first ever 'Emergency Situation' to be declared in the Northern Territory since this intermediate position was introduced at the start of this year.

An 'Emergency Situation' is an intermediate position to recognise the need for intervention and assistance. It is not a declared state of emergency as defined in the Disasters Act.

However, it signals that a whole of Government emergency response operation has commenced and facilitates such measures as the 'Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements' provided by the Australian Government. This includes claims for damage to infrastructure which are uninsurable, related to the emergency event and not normal expenditure. For example, claims by Shires may include repairs to roads and airstrips as a result of the Ex-Tropical Cyclone Paul.

Shire applications for such claims are managed by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Regional Services.

Superintendent of the Arnhem Region, Brent Warren said a number of food drops had occurred today with more planned.

"The response crews from a number of Government agencies have been in contact both in person and over the phone across some of the most isolated and remote parts of the area to check on welfare, supplies and respond as required including food drops by both fixed wing aircraft and helicopter.

"A number of persons identified as requiring medical assistance including pregnant women have already been evacuated from isolated areas.

"Many stores are well stocked with food and general supplies. Operating in isolation during this time of year is nothing new to most of these areas.

"We have been working directly with tourists to ensure they are aware of the situation and taking the necessary precautions.

"The Easter weekend fishing competition at King Ash Bay has been postponed.

"Generally, we are pleased with the calm and functional approach taken by all involved and the information being provided to the Emergency Operations Centre in a timely way.

"However, anyone who has concerns and may require assistance needs to make themselves known to us if they haven't had contact with authorities so far. The hotline has been established for these people to come directly through to our operation centre which is operating 24 hours a day until the emergency response needs have passed.

"I would urge anyone planning travel around this region now and throughout the Easter period to question the necessity of such travel and ensure they are well informed of the weather system and road reports first." Superintendent Warren concluded.

Individual Community Updates

Groote Eylandt

The Umbakumba access road is currently unpassable as a result of flooding and trees down.

The Angurugu access road is flooded at the Angurugu River crossing. This access road is likely to remain closed for some time even after the flooding has subsided to allow for required repairs.


Power and running water has been restored.

Five people have been located at Wandu outstation, about 30 kilometres from Numbulwar near Policemans Crossing. While there is no emergency welfare concerns at this stage, a food parcel has been prepared for a helicopter drop tomorrow.

The road from Numbulwar to Ngukurr is cut in several places, and the local airstrip is closed due to damage.


The Roper Highway is closed at the Wilton River due to flooding, and Roper Bar has risen to approximately 1.5 metres. There are sufficient food supplies.

NT Police have made contact with a group of camping tourists and advised them to move to higher ground.


The Central Arnhem Highway being impassable following over 400ml of rain.

There are sufficient food supplies.

The airstrip is open.


Borroloola is currently outside the cyclone watch zone, but has received heavy rain.

Telephone communication has been intermittent but the Police Stations maintains a HF radio for emergency use if required.


Minyerri is outside of the watch and warning area for the cyclone, however has experienced heavy rain.


Minimal damage.

School reopened 31 March 2010.

The airstrip is open.

Useful Contacts:

Police, Fire and Emergency Operation Centre Hotline - 1800 552 596

Weather - Bureau of Meteorology - or 1300 659 211

Power and Water Authority -1800 245 092

Road reports -

Media contact:
Katie Fowden