Media release

Unlawful entry and stealing - Winnellie


Police are calling for public assistance after a business in Winnellie was broken into twice over the weekend.

It is believed the offenders initially attended the Snell Street business on Saturday before removing a colour bond sheet at a loading bay to gain access to the store. Once inside the offenders entered the manager's office and removed a safe containing an amount of money before fleeing the area.

Police attended the scene on Sunday morning after being alerted to the incident by staff at the store.

Police were contacted again yesterday after the premises was broken into a second time on Sunday night. Again, the offenders removed a colour bond sheet in a loading bay to gain access before stealing a number of LCD TVs worth approximately $10 000.

Darwin Detectives are currently investigating the incident and are calling for public assistance.

Superintendent Jordan said that the offenders who stole these televisions would probably be trying to offload them by selling them.

"If you have further information in relation to the incident or if you have any knowledge of people trying to sell televisions in the Darwin area please call police on 131 444 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000" he said.

Media Contact

Rickie Scoot

8922 3185