Media release

Two missing men found


Two males missing from the Calvert River crossing have been located. The men were reported missing after they attempted to walk from the Calvert River crossing, approx 160km South East of Borroloola on the Savannah Way, to Doomadgee in Queensland, a distance of approximately 220km.

The men, aged 23 and 25, were located at Surprise Creek's abandoned Outstation by a helicopter that landed in the region to check the outstation.

The men were conveyed to Robinson River community. No injuries have been reported.

This concludes one of five search and rescues undertaken in the Territory in the past 48 hours.

In total 12 people have been rescued by Northern Territory Police in the past 36 hours.

Yesterday three commercial crabbers were located 100km North West of Borroloola after failing to return on Saturday 27 March.

A further Search and rescue was conducted overnight in the Shoal Bay area to the north of Darwin following a Beacon activation in the early hours of this morning. That vessel and it's occupants were also rescued by the Police Marine and Fisheries Enforcement Section.

Four recreational fishermen missing from the Gulf of Carpenteria were located earlier today. They were reported missing late Thursday 1 April after failing to return home on Wed 31 March.

Two males aged 14 and 20 were located yesterday, Friday 1 April, at Ganiyarrang outstation approximately 60 kilometres north-east of Ngukurr after they left the Ngukurr community on foot on Tuesday.

Senior Constable First Class, Travis Edwards from the Tactical Response Section said these search and rescues have been successful due to appropriate planning and actions by all parties involved.

"Extensive planning, briefing and preparations have been conducted for all of these search and rescues and has lead to missing people being located in a timely manner.

"These searches conducted over the past week reinforce the need for people to consider the weather conditions and determine if it is appropriate or necessary for them to travel in these flood effected regions.

"We remind people to check the weather before departure and make sure they are well prepared, carry the right safety gear, notify a friend or relative of their trip details and when they are due back," Senior First Class Constable Edwards said.

Media contact:
Rebecca Forrest
0414 693 977