Media release

Traffic campaign - Litchfield


Police were out in force in the rural area, enforcing traffic laws in an effort to promote road safety and keep people safe over the Queens Birthday long weekend.

On Monday 14 June 2010, members from the Greater Darwin Region Traffic Enforcement Unit conducted a road-safety campaign within the Litchfield Shire, including Batchelor and Acacia Hills.

Four random breath testing stations were conducted and numerous traffic apprehensions performed between 11:00 am and 4:00 pm, with 369 drivers being breath tested. Police are happy to report that none of these drivers returned a positive result.

Commander Kendrick of the Greater Darwin Regional Command said "it is pleasing to see that drivers on the long weekend were driving responsibly and not drinking and driving".

Two persons were summonsed, 33 infringement notices issued and two vehicles were defected.

"The number of drivers pulled over and the relatively few infringements issued is good news, however we still need to get the message out there, for people to keep within the speed limits, ensure your vehicles are roadworthy and that they are registered and insured," Commander Kendrick said.

This campaign is one of a number of policing measures being implemented within the Greater Darwin Region ensuring Litchfield and other rural residents have access to specialist support police services and enforcement.

Media Contact:
Rickie Scoot
8922 3185