Media release

Traffic Accident – Palmerston


A 33-year-old motorcyclist has been released from hospital this morning following a crash in Palmerston yesterday.

At around 4.30pm, the male was riding his Honda Fireblade motorcycle outbound along Chung Wah Terrace and entered the roundabout at the intersection of Buscall Avenue when the driver of a Hyundi Terracan failed to give way and subsequently collided with the motorcyclist.

Local traffic was disrupted for about 45 minutes.

The 32-year-old man driving the 4x4 will be summonsed in relation to traffic offences

Acting Senior Sergeant Jarrod Mathison said: "All road users need to take extra care when entering intersections and roundabouts, taking the time to observe for smaller vehicles such as motorcycles."

Media Contact:
Sarah Trinne
8922 3531