Media release

Single vehicle crash - Palmerston


Police were alerted to the crash at 1:00 am after a 31-year-old old man lost control of his Holden Commodore utility and collided with a tree.

It is alleged the man was travelling along Temple Terrace when he mounted the kerb at the Tamarind Road intersection causing him to travel three metres off the road and collide with the tree.

Police, Fire and Rescue crews and St John Ambulance attended the scene and the driver was conveyed to RDH. Where he is currently receiving treatment in the Emergency Department

It is believed the driver may have been under the influence of an illicit substance at the time of the crash. Police have subsequently tested him for drugs and are awaiting the results.

Acting Superintendent Wayne Jenkinson said the driver was lucky to escape without more serious injuries.

"This person is lucky to be alive. It is disappointing motorist insist on driving while under the influence".

"Whether it is drugs or alcohol, every time you get behind the wheel while under the influence your risking your license, life and the lives of others" he said.

Media Note - Please credit NT Police if using the attached photos.

Media Contact

Rickie Scoot

8922 3185

0458 307 870