Media release

Search for missing recreational fishermen continues in the Gulf of Carpentaria


The search for four missing recreational fishermen approx 65km North West of Borroloola continues.

Initial reports indicated five recreational fishermen were in the party, but ongoing investigations throughout the night by the Marine and Fisheries Search Operations Centre revealed one of the reported missing men, a resident of Tennant Creek, reported he had chosen not to join the fishing group.

Next of kin of the missing fishermen have been contacted throughout the night to advise them of the search efforts and provide up to date information.

The four recreational fishermen set off last Friday 26 March from Bing Bong Creek. They were expected back on Wednesday 31 March and authorities were notified they were missing late Thursday 1 April.

Aerial searches of the region yesterday located the two missing vessels matching the description of the recreational fishermen's boats on the beach approximately 22km North West of the Bing Bong Port facility. An established campsite off the beach was also located near the beached boats. The campsite was deserted but showed signs of recent occupancy.

The search area for the missing fishermen has been narrowed down following the discovery of the vessels and the campsite and the aerial search of the area will re-commence at first light. In addition, land and marine search teams comprising Police, Sea Rangers and locals have been preparing throughout the night at Borroloola to commence a full scale ground and sea search of the area and surrounding creek systems at first light.

Senior Sergeant Stephen Martin of the Marine and Fisheries Section said the search effort has scaled up given the time the men have been missing.

"We have indications that the two vessels located yesterday belong to the missing fishermen so our search area is now better defined".

"The weather warnings for the search area have now been cancelled as the Low Pressure system moves away, and we are able to safely launch ground and marine search assets into the area in addition to the fixed and rotary wing aircraft".

"Extensive planning, briefing and preparations were conducted throughout the night for today's search, and our efforts are directed at locating our missing persons as soon as possible".
Yesterday three commercial crabbers were located 100km South West of Borroloola after failing to return on Saturday 27 March. They were evacuated to Borroloola where they were treated for exposure and dehydration. There were no serious injuries.

A further Search and rescue was conducted overnight in the Shoal Bay area to the north of Darwin following a Beacon activation in the early hours of this morning. That vessel and it's occupants were also rescued by the Police Marine and Fisheries Enforcement Section.

"These searches conducted over the past week reinforce the need for mariners to check the weather before departure and make sure they are well prepared, carry the right safety gear, notify a friend or relative of their trip details and when they are due back," Senior Sergeant Martin said.

Media contact:
Rebecca Forrest
0414 693 977