Media release

Rock climbing death - Robyn Falls


Adelaide River police were called to Robyn Falls at about 4:00pm yesterday after receiving reports of a rock climbing accident.

It is believed two men aged 58 and 26-years-old, travelled 15 km south west of the Adelaide River Township to undertake recreational Rock Climbing at Robyn Creek. The exact location being the north faces of the escarpment adjacent to George Creek.

At about 4.00 pm the 58-year old man was placing rock bolts for climbing into a vertical rock face when he fell some 15 to 20 metres. The mans climbing partner immediately called for assistance and a short tome later Adelaide River Clinic staff along with police arrived on the scene.

Clinic staff undertook CPR, however, the man died at the scene.

It is believed he was wearing a safety harness that was not connected to a safety line at the time of the fall.

Adelaide River members will return to the fall location today to continue their investigation requisite for a coronial file.

Media Contact

Rickie Scoot

8922 3185

0458 307 870