Media release

Recreational Fishermen Found


Four fishermen missing off the Gulf of Carpenteria have been found 15km South West of their vessels.

Authorities were notified by family late Thursday 1 April when they failed to return home on Wednesday 31 March.

Initial reports indicated five recreational fishermen were in the party, but ongoing investigations throughout the night by the Marine and Fisheries Search Operations Centre revealed one of the reported missing men, a resident of Tennant Creek, reported he had chosen not to join the fishing group.

Yesterday, the fishermens two recreational vessels were located 65km North West of Borroloola.

All four fishermen have been found alive and Care Flight have evacuated them to Borroloola.

The men are currently being treated for minor injuries at the Borroloola Clinic.

Senior Sergeant Stephen Martin of the Marine and Fisheries Section said the fishermen and crabbers had been located in a timely manner due to support from a number of parties.

"Local Professional fishermen in the area offered their assistance along with the Police Air Wing, local Police members and the Rescue Coordination Centre in Canberra that has allowed for a diligent and widespread search and rescues of the region resulting in these fishermen being located in a timely manner.

"Extensive planning, briefing and preparations conducted throughout the night for today's search, have contributed to these men being located.

Yesterday three commercial crabbers were located 100km North West of Borroloola after failing to arrive at Port Roper on Saturday 27 March. They were evacuated to Borroloola where they were treated for exposure and dehydration. There were no serious injuries.

A further Search and rescue was conducted overnight in the Shoal Bay area to the north of Darwin following a Beacon activation in the early hours of this morning. That vessel and it's occupants were also rescued by the Police Marine and Fisheries Enforcement Section.

Two males aged 14 and 20 were located yesterday Friday 1 April at Ganiyarrang outstation approximately 60 kilometres north-east of Ngukurr after they left the Ngukurr community on Tuesday.

Another two males, aged 23 and 25 are still missing after they attempted to walk from the Calvert River crossing on the Savannah Way to Doomadgee in Queensland, a distance of approximately 220km.

A search is currently underway to locate them.

"These searches conducted over the past week reinforce the need for people to check the weather before departure and make sure they are well prepared, carry the right safety gear, notify a friend or relative of their trip details and when they are due back," Senior Sergeant Martin said.

Media contact:
Rebecca Forrest
0414 693 977