Media release

Practical Trial of New, Sample Police Uniforms


Four different police uniforms will undergo a practical trial as part of the NT Police uniform review.
A 'Police Uniform Committee' was established early in 2010 following a request from the Northern Territory Police Association in September 2009 to review the NT Police uniform.
Police Officers from various stations will trial the sample uniforms to ensure they are fit for purpose, highly visible, clearly recognisable as Police and meeting occupational health and safety standards.
The trial is expected to last approximately 6 weeks, commencing in Darwin immediately. The uniforms will be trialled in Alice Springs over Christmas and New Year.
Chair of the Uniform Committee, Acting Commander Jamie Chalker said the committee had undergone extensive consultation, research and sample testing, including ascertaining what is available 'off the shelf',
"We have spoken with Police Officers, considered other jurisdictions, what works, what doesn't, met with numerous suppliers and liaised with the Police Association.
"As a result, we have four uniforms to put to the practical test before progressing any further. It is important Officers are comfortable and wearing practical clothing for Policing 'Territory style'.
"It has been difficult sourcing 'off the shelf' khaki samples, especially the baseball cap, but we did manage to source a shirt and cargo pants to put to the test with 'Police' clearly displayed on the front and back.
"This trial of sample uniforms is an exciting time in the Police Force. For years, a number of members have resorted to adhoc variations of the official uniform to suit their needs. Our people have told us it's time we had a uniform that suits our business whether patrolling the streets, on the Police boat or in remote communities." Acting Commander Chalker concluded.
Pending the outcome of the practical testing of the sample uniforms, it is intended that choices will be provided to Police Officers to vote in due course.

The Northern Territory Police uniform has undergone various reviews and amendments since the first Sub-Inspector, Paul Feolsche was commissioned in the Territory in 1869. His uniform was a blue tunic with dark blue riding breeches with a white stripe.
The first female squad wore khaki tunic dresses with black handbags and court shoes.
Specialist Police such as the Territory Response Group have been wearing fit for purpose dark green cargo pants and baseball caps since 2009.
More recently, earlier in 2010, high visibility vests were introduced for all general duties Police Officers.

Katie Fowden
8901 0281