Media release

Police rescue man stranded in bush –Ti tree


A 72-year-old man who became stranded in the bush when his car ran out of fuel in a remote area of Central Australia was rescued by police yesterday.

Police from Arlparra were travelling along the Mt Skinner Road around 11am yesterday morning when they cam across the man in bushland beside the road approximately 40 kilometres from Ti tree.

The man told police he had been travelling to Ti tree to visit family when his Toyota Landcruiser had run out of fuel. The man walked approximately eight kilometres from the vehicle when police found him. He had no food or water with him.

Police gave the man food and water and transported him to his family in Ti Tree.

Superintendent Megan Rowe said the man was extremely lucky to be alive, as none of his family were aware of his whereabouts.

"He hadn't told anyone where he was going so no-one was aware he was overdue or missing," Supt Rowe said.

" It was just very lucky our members were driving in the area at the time as the Mt Skinner Road is very seldom travelled.

"Once again it is a timely reminder to people travelling in areas as remote as this to ensure they tell someone where they are going and when they are due to arrive. They should also ensure they travel with adequate fuel and food and water," Supt Rowe said.

"It's also vital they stay with the vehicle if there is a breakdown, as a vehicle is much easier for searchers to see than a person."

Media Contact
Theresa Kuilboer
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0419 803 603