Media release

Police impound vehicle for hooning - Palmerston


NT Police have charged a 25-year-old man in relation to traffic offences in Moulden today.

Members from Palmerston Station were patrolling along Elrundie Avenue at approximately 4:15 am when they observed a Holden Commodore driving in tight circles with a large amount of smoke emanating from the spinning tyres.

The man was apprehended by police on Chung Wah Terrace where he was subjected to a roadside breath analysis which resulted in a positive reading. He was conveyed to the Palmerston Station where he was charged and bailed in relation to medium range drink driving and received an infringement notice for doing burn outs.

The vehicle was seized under the anti-hooning legislation and impounded for 48 hours.

Police would like to remind all drivers that doing burn outs on a public road is not only a nuisance to residences but also dangerous to the driver and others in the area.

"This dangerous behaviour will not be tolerated on our roads and if members of the public observe this type of activity I urge them to report the matter to police on 131 444" Senior Sergeant Wayne Jenkinson said.

"Anti-hooning laws are in place for the safety of the community and if you drive in a reckless manner you can expect to receive a fine or have your vehicle impounded"

Media Contact
Sarah Trinne
8922 3531