Media release

Police Graduation - Constable Squad 107 and ACPO Squad 17


Twenty six Constable recruits, including 11 female and 15 males, from Squad 107 and 10 Aboriginal Community Police Officers (ACPO), consisting of five females and five males, from Squad 17 graduated today in a ceremony held at the Darwin Basketball Stadium in Marrara.

The ceremony marked the end of a 26 week training course for Constables and 12 week training course for ACPO's at the Police, Fire and Emergency Services College for the graduates who will assume positions across the NT.

Police Commissioner John McRoberts said, "These two squads represented the standards expected of all police officers including honesty, integrity and dedication to serving the community."

"Congratulations to all members of Squad 107 for choosing to serve and protect Territorians. It is particularly pleasing to see a squad of Indigenous people committed to serving their community as Aboriginal Community Police Officers.

"I wish all graduates the best with the challenges ahead," he said.

Alice Springs - 3
Tennant Creek - 3; and
Katherine - 4

Alice Springs - 15
Casuarina - 3
Palmerston - 2
Darwin - 2; and
Katherine - 4


The Gavin Jabaltjari Spencer Trophy for ACPO Squad 17 was awarded to ACPO Justine Swan-Castine

ACPO Nathan Mayo received the Commissioner's Trophy.

The Physical Training Trophy for outstanding physical training ability was awarded to ACPO Christopher Masters

ACPO Damien Clarke was presented with the NT Police Association Most Dedicated ACPO Trainee Trophy

The Rod Evans Memorial Trophy was awarded to Constable Fredy Pedrotti

Constable Sarah Hutchinson was awarded the Commissioners Trophy

The Physical Training Trophy for outstanding physical training ability was awarded to Constable Casey Fitzell

Constable Benjamin Peart was presented with the Glen Huitson Memorial Trophy

Media Contact
Sarah Trinne
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