Media release

Police crack down on Easter road users


Police from across the Territory will be targeting drink drivers and other traffic offenders as part of the Easter Traffic Campaign that will be launched in the Darwin region on 01 April. The traffic campaign begins in other regions within the Territory today.

Police from several units including the Greater Darwin Regional Command, Traffic Enforcement Unit and General Duties will be out in force throughout Darwin, the Northern Suburbs, Palmerston and focussing strongly on rural roads, primarily targeting Easter travellers.

Bob Rennie, Superintendent Greater Darwin Regional Command Support Division said that drivers have now been warned.

"It is no surprise that we will be targeting these offenders over the Easter long weekend, and now, having officially warned them, there is absolutely no excuse for anyone within the Territory to think it's OK to drink and drive.

"One person died on our roads during the Easter period last year and we will do all we can to make sure this doesn't happen again" he said.

"We are striving for a fatality free Easter so that everyone can enjoy the festivities. The message is simple, if you plan to drink, organise for alternative travel to get home. Fatal crashes impact on everyone, particularly the families of the victims. Don't ruin someone else's life or your own.

"Use common sense. Don't drink and drive, don't speed, wear your seatbelts, drive to the conditions of the road and weather and if going on a trip, be sure to plan your travels, including lots of stops as fatigue can and does kill" he said.

The campaign will run through to Midnight on Monday 5 April.

Media contact:
Amy Sloan
8922 3531