Media release

Operation Unite Weekend Results


Northern Territory Police remain concerned at the number of drink drivers detected over the weekend.

Acting Commissioner Maines expressed concern that one in 63 drivers were detected over the legal limit on the first night of the Operation .

"It is very disappointing that despite a national campaign targeting alcohol related incidents this weekend, people ignored the message to plan their night and chose to drive after consuming alcohol.

Northern Territory Police used random breath testing stations extensively across the Territory over the weekend in support of Operation Unite .

"Given the current road toll and the trauma that preventable deaths on roads cause, drivers should be more responsible and consider the consequences of their action," He said.

Among the drivers apprehended were significantly high readings with 19 of the 20 Operation Unite arrests overnight for high range drink driving.

"In Darwin last night a 27-year-old female recorded a blood alcohol reading of 0.111 while driving with her five year old daughter in the car and an off - duty Police Officer recorded a blood alcohol reading of 0.136 driving his personal vehicle and will now face disciplinary proceedings in addition to the drink driving charge." Acting Commissioner Maines said.

There were no reports of assaults around in or licensed premises in Darwin over the weekend and no reports across the Territory last night. However, there were five reports of assaults during night one of the operation in Palmerston, Alice Springs, Tennant Creek and Katherine.

A total of 143 people (75 17/12/10 and 68 18/12/10) were taken into protective custody during the Operation. This compares to 423 people taken into protective custody during the Operation Unite conducted in September .

Editors note: Additional details involving the Off Duty Officer will be released in due course in accordance with the NTPFES Transparency Guidelines. There are no further details available at this stage including information which may lead to identifying the officer.

Media Contact
Katie Fowden
0401 116 540