Media release

Operation Unite Concludes


The NT component of the National Operation Unite has been successful with no reports of assaults in or around licensed premises throughout the Operation.

In excess of 160 Police Officers boosted existing patrols across the Territory with a focus on high visibility policing in the entertainment precincts.

NT Police Deputy Commissioner Shayne Maines joined patrols in Darwin and said he was very pleased with the support from other service providers and the broader community.

"This was my first opportunity to formally join patrols and meet with people in Darwin city and I must say, the majority of people were having a great time and behaving responsibly.

"Everybody should be able to feel safe, be safe and have a good night out without others ruining it for them.

"Those who were heavily intoxicated or behaving badly were quickly engaged by Police.

"We were called to a number of disturbances where Police intervened before incidents could become more serious. It was good to see that most people did "just think" and made the right decision.

"However, it was very disappointing that during the Operation, 423 people were taken into protective custody across the Territory. That's 423 people so intoxicated, they are considered a risk to themselves or others. Most concerning, is that 320 of these were in Alice Springs alone. While there was a major event in Alice Springs town, this should be cause for people celebrating and enjoying themselves, not people acting irresponsibly and having to be brought into Police custody for protection." Deputy Commissioner Maines said.

Across the Territory 43 people were arrested for offences including disorderly behaviour, drug possession and drink driving. The majority of arrests, (26) were in Darwin.

The Darwin RBT city lockdowns saw 3844 drivers breath tested resulting in 19 people arrested for drink driving, the highest reading being 0.214. Police also issued summonses and traffic infringement notices for other drink driving and traffic related offences.

Whilst the Northern Territory Police are pleased with the overall public response to Operation Unite, there is still room for improvement

"Too many people continue to abuse alcohol in our community. 423 people in protective custody and 43 (26 in Darwin) people arrested for alcohol related offences is still far too many." Deputy Commissioner Maines concluded.
Media Contact
Katie fowden
0401 116 540

During the Northern Territory Operation Unite in December 2009, there were 25 arrests and 162 persons taken into protective custody.