Media release

Operation RAID – Update 1


Operation RAID (Remove All Impaired Drivers) is now into its fourth day and already the Northern Territory has delivered disappointing results.

The Australian and New Zealand operation began Friday 26 November and runs through to 12 December and continues to target road users drinking, speeding and even failing to register their vehicles.

From Friday 26 November through to Sunday 28 November, 1140 people have been breath tested by NT Police.

Of those, 30 have been caught drink driving, two have been caught driving under the influence of drugs, 70 were caught for traffic related offences, 37 for driving unlicensed and 12 for unrelated crime offences.

The most disappointing is the 12 drivers caught driving with a high range blood alcohol content, the highest being a 54-year-old male who blew 0.254%. He has been charged with driving with high range blood alcohol content, drive disqualified and drive an unsafe motor vehicle.

Senior Sergeant Andrew Heath said the operation is proving a success and that drivers need to remain vigilant.

"Police will continue to be out in force 24 hours a day right up until the end of Operation RAID and beyond.

"We will maintain pressure on drivers well into the new year, so there will be no respite for those who choose to do the wrong thing.

"If you break the law on our roads, expect to get caught and suffer the consequences. We have no sympathy if you lose your license as it is better than losing your life" he said.

Media Contact:

Sarah Trinne
8922 3531
0437 163 332