Media release

Operation - Carparthian


NT Police were busy over the weekend, with numerous sections participating in 'Operation Carpathian" targeting maritime safety, road safety, drug and fisheries offences throughout the Darwin and rural areas, conducted on Saturday.

The operation included patrols of Darwin Harbour, Charles Point, Corroboree Billabong, Gunn Point, Bynoe Harbour and Daly River.

Land base patrols and searches were also conducted at most of the boat ramps around Darwin.

A total of 283 vehicles were checked, 65 random breath tests were conducted, 199 license checks and 268 vessels including 14 commercial vessels were checked throughout the operation.

Four traffic infringement notices were issued; five vehicles were issued with defect notices, 38 people cautions for maritime safety breaches, one arrest for drink driving and two summonses for traffic offences

Detective Senior Constable Crispin Gargan said the operation was about increasing awareness and educating the public in relation to maritime and road safety issues.

"Police were happy with the number of recreational and professional fisherman who appeared conscience towards maritime safety. However it was a timely reminder for a few people, including some charter operators, that were caught short in the lead up to the oncoming build up".

"Overall feedback from the public was positive" he said.

Media Contact

Rickie Scoot

8922 3185

0458 307 870