Media release

Opening of the Northern Territory Emergency Services Hermannsburg Volunteer Unit and Launch of the Indigenous Training Package


The Director of Northern Territory Emergency Services, Peter Davies, will open the brand new Emergency Services Volunteer building in Hermannsburg on Saturday 23 October at 11:00 am.

The new facility will provide volunteers with vital resources such as a training room and communications room. The facility will also house NTES vehicles and equipment.

Saturday will also mark the launch of the indigenous training package. Indigenous volunteer members of the HVU have developed a series of visual training resources aimed to increase the membership, capacity and retention of Indigenous members within NTES and potentially in sister SES organisations Australia wide. The training package will allow the teaching of emergency management operational techniques to valued volunteer members who in many cases speak English as a second language

Director Peter Davies said the opening of the Hermannsburg Volunteer Unit building is a very proud day for the NTES.

"The centre will give us the capacity to respond to emergency issues in remote areas much more efficiently.

"The new training package will also ensure our volunteers are prepared for a range of different circumstances.

"This fantastic facility is the result of the enormous effort that the local volunteers have made over a number of years.

"I would like to congratulate Selwyn Kloden and the special group of volunteers who assisted him," Mr Davies said.

Community safety critically depends on an ongoing body of dedicated, well-trained volunteer unit members available for a call-out at a moment's notice.

Members of the public are encouraged to come along and find out more information on becoming a volunteer.

It's about ordinary people doing extraordinary things. More information on volunteering for Emergency Services can be found at
Media Contact
Sarah Trinne
8922 3531
0437 163 332