Media release

NTEIPP launch –Alice Springs


Alice Springs will be the venue for the launch of the Territory's second early intervention pilot program targeting alcohol abuse among young people.

The Northern Territory Early Intervention Pilot Program (NTEUPP) is funded under the Commonwealth Government's National Binge Drinking Strategy. The program aims to reduce the incidence and harm of underage youth binge drinking. The first pilot program was launched in Katherine last week.

The program is funded until 2012 and involves the introduction of Youth Outreach Workers based in both pilot sites of Alice Springs and Katherine supported by a Co-ordinator and a Resource Development Officer in Darwin.

NTEIPP Co-ordinator Jeanette Callaghan said the key principle of the program was to facilitate partnerships between health and police services to improve referrals for young people at risk from alcohol-related harm.

"The intent of the program is to provide police with alternatives when dealing with underage drinkers. To this end NTEIPP has consulted broadly with the community and key stakeholders to develop training and resources for police and community partners, " Ms Callaghan said.

"The training focuses on grass-roots problem-solving aimed at reducing the supply, demand and harm of alcohol. NTEIPP introduces Brief Intervention and Restorative Justice frameworks through a three-hour training session (the NTEIPP kit) that will provide trainees with resources and practical ways of engaging with young people and to help them access health services including the NT Alcohol and Drug Information service hotline on 1800 131 350."

Ms Callaghan said the training would be delivered at least once a month in Katherine and Alice Springs and also in remote communities and NTEIPP staff would work with the various external and internal partnerships to strengthen relationships with young people.

"Through these partnerships, NYEIPP staff support regional youth initiatives such as the Katherine Police Junior Rangers and Binjari School Holiday Programs, and in the Centre the Cop 'n Kids and Constable care Programs.

"We will also partner with the Menzies School of Health Research to review activity and outcomes of the Program to assess its on-going success. We will also continue to work with NT Police Youth Engagement and Aboriginal Community Police Officers to strengthen relationships with young people including growing Youth Diversion Scheme options."

Ms Callaghan said NTEIPP would continue to gather information about binge drinking episodes which would assist in delivering relevant and appropriate support to the communities.

The official launch of the Alice Springs program will take place on Friday evening (Dec 17) between 5pm and 6pm at the Alice Springs Basketball Stadium, Traeger Park. Everyone is welcome to attend and the launch will be followed by a Youth Expo and Bluelight Disco.

Media Contact
Theresa Kuilboer
8951 8825
0419 803 603