Media release

New year’s Operation – Alice Springs


Police in Alice Springs mounted a special operation to deter drink driving and anti-social behaviour over the New Year's celebrations.

During the course of the operation extra police were used to effect a high-profile police presence in the CBD and surrounding areas. During the operation, 106 people were taken into protective custody (for being intoxicated), 23 juveniles were taken home, 116 litres of alcohol were tipped out and 410 people were moved on. Four people including two juveniles will be summonsed for minor offences, and seven people were issued with Summary Infringement Notices.

Sixteen people were arrested for drink driving in Alice Springs between New Year's Eve and Monday morning. Of these, a 26-year-old man will appear in court for driving with a blood alcohol level of .216 per cent. He was apprehended in Fogarty Street just before 10pm on New Year's Eve.

A 19-year old man was also arrested after police noticed his car swerving over the road on the South Stuart Highway without any headlights on in the early hours of New Year's Day.

The driver was found to be driving with a blood alcohol level of .185 per cent.

Acting Superintendent Malcolm Passmore said, while most people were well-behaved during the New Years celebrations, the high number of drink drivers apprehended was of concern.

"It's hard to believe that with all our high profile police patrols and all the publicity given to this special operation people were still stupid enough to take the risk and drive after drinking," A/Supt Passmore said.

"Now they get to start the New Year without a licence and hopefully, the inconvenience may help some to decide never to risk it again. For others, as we Know, nothing seems to be a deterrent, but they can be assured police will continue to target drink driving throughout the rest of the month and beyond. They might not recognise the dangers of drink driving to themselves and others, but we'll be out there making sure we get these fools off the roads and keep other road users safe."

Media contact:
Theresa Kuilboer
8951 8825
0419 803 603