Media release

Motorcycle rider death -Alice Springs


A 25-year-old man has died after he lost control of the motor cycle he was riding on private property near Alice Springs.

Police received a report just after 7am on Friday morning after the owner of the property arrived for work and found the man's body. Police said it appeared the man had gone for a ride on his Honda 250 motorcycle in the early hours of Friday morning. He appears to have lost control of the bike and collided with a fence post. The man was not wearing a safety helmet.

Senior Sergeant Peter Dash said while police investigations into the cause of the crash were continuing, it was clear the lack of a protective helmet was a contributing factor.

"This is a sad but timely reminder to all riders about the real need to wear a motorcycle helmet, no matter where you are riding," Sen Sgt Dash said.

The death does not contribute to the Territory road toll as it occurred on private property.

Media Contact
Theresa Kuilboer
8951 8825
0419 803 603