Media release

Lock up your house to stop your car being stolen


A new report has revealed a disturbing trend in the way thieves are stealing motor vehicles in the Northern Territory.

In the 2009/10 financial year, six vehicles in every thousand were stolen in the Territory - a notably higher rate than any other State or Territory.

Police Superintendent Rob Jordan says it's the way thieves are stealing vehicles that's concerning police.

"Because new model cars are harder to steal, thieves are showing a tendency to break into houses to search for the keys." Says Superintendent Jordan.

"That leads to further property damage and a risk to home owners."

Police are urging home owners, particularly over the holiday period, to be extra vigilant.

"If you're going away, ensure that your home is secure and don't leave valuables such as car keys, laptops or cameras in sight of potential thieves."

"Stolen cars lead to more damage and cost to the community, as they can be used in ram raids, joy riding and are often burnt out."

"If owners secured their residence and keys, the rate of vehicle theft would be greatly reduced." Superintendent Jordan says.

About 90% of stolen vehicles are recovered in the Northern Territory "Many of the vehicles that are not recovered are motorcycles and the like that have no identifying or no known identifying numbers on them" Superintendent Jordan said.

Media Contact
Michael Holland
8922 3365
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