Media release

Large Grass Fire - Howard Springs - Update 5


The point of origin and cause of the fire remains unknown and will be subject to a thorough investigation by Fire and Rescue and Police Fire Investigators.

Fire and Rescue, Bushfires NT and Defence will be conducting joint patrols of the fire area overnight and resuming blacking-out in the morning.

Chief Fire Officer, Greg Nettleton said an official fire ban has been declared for tomorrow.

"Although this Fire is contained, crews will continue to patrol and monitor overnight and throughout tomorrow.

"There is an official fire ban in place until further notice. This includes not using welders and angle grinders and any other equipment which may cause sparks.

"There is also heavy smoke which will linger in the area for some time so people should stay indoors where possible and drive extremely carefully.

"However, with all this considered, at this stage people can go about their normal business tomorrow. This includes schools and roads being open.

"The crews have done an excellent job in containing this fire today and an acknowledgement must go to property owners who have maintained their fire breaks and planned and prepared for these fires.

"While we are still doing reconnaissance in the area, we have no reports of significant damage to residential property.

"Two persons have been conveyed to Royal Darwin Hospital with minor injuries. One, a resident was suffering from smoke inhalation, and the other, a volunteer fire fighter was conveyed with an ankle injury and smoke inhalation." Chief Fire Officer Nettleton concluded.
Further updates will be provided in due course.
For Police, Fire and Emergency Services assistance, contact 131 444.
In the event of an emergency, call Triple Zero.

Media Contact
Katie Fowden