Media release

Kava and Cannabis Seizure - Ramingining


Ramingining Police and the Katherine Substance Abuse Intelligence Desk (SAID) members arrested six men late Saturday night in possession of thousands of dollars of Cannabis and Kava.

Superintendent Helen Braam of the Northern Operational Service Division said that this capped off a long weekend for members off the Katherine Command, with arrests of eight men in Pine Creek on Friday night and another four men and a woman in Bulman on the same day.

"For the weekend operation, the tally came to $50,000 worth of Cannabis, $144,000 of Kava and the seizure of two Mitsubishi Pajeros and one Nissan Patrol.

"Without the support of our partners in FaHCSIA who provide us with our SAID desk and the Dog unit, we'd wouldn't have the impact that we do", said Supt Braam.

Supt Braam thanked those community members who see the damage that Kava and Cannabis do to people and their families, and notify Police of any information they may have.

"Those strong people who stand up and say no to the trouble caused by Kava and Cannabis are heroes in the eyes of the Police and they should be heroes in the eyes of the rest of the community too. Stop giving your money to these parasites - they don't care about you or your family, they only care about getting your money" said Supt Braam.

Media contact:
Natalie Bell
0427 660 594