Media release

Emergency Alert test completed


At 10am this morning residents in an identified Palmerston region were sent an Emergency Alert test and requested to call to confirm their receipt of the message.

This trial precedes the National Emergency Alert system becoming operational in the Territory on Monday 1 March.

Peter Davies, Director of NT Emergency Services said the Emergency Alert trial has gone well with residents responding in a timely manner.

"Within 30 seconds of sending out the trial alert residents were calling in and stated that the alert was clear and easy to understand.

"The trial run was an important process for us to confirm our procedures and identify more effective ways to compile computer generated voice messages," he said.

Within the first hour of the trial message being sent 100 % of landlines had responded and more than 30% of mobile numbers.

Mr Davies reiterates that Emergency Alert is emerging technology and its current use is as a backup system. It would mainly be used in fast onset events such as flash flooding or tsunamis and less likely to be used in a cyclone situation which can be closely tracked for 48 hours.

"Emergency Alert is one of many systems in place and it is important that in the event of an emergency Territorians tune into their battery powered radio for the latest official broadcasts," he said.

Emergency Alerts will be issued from the Joint Emergency Services Communications Centre in Berrimah and alerts can be targeted to one suburb or one street.

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Media Contact:
Rebecca Forrest
0414 693 977