Media release

Drowning Death – Storm Water Drain – Rosebery


Police, Fire, Emergency Service volunteers, St John Ambulance and Careflight were all called to form a quick, full scale search mission earlier this evening in response to two unrelated reports of persons in difficulty in a storm water drain in Rosebery.

A 40-year-old male is confirmed deceased after being found approximately 200 metres down Mitchell Creek which the storm water drain flows directly into.

He was found during a ground search along the creek banks assisted by local community members.

A 16-year-old male was initially feared missing following a report of being in difficulty in the water. However upon further investigation, the male had been pulled to safety by a relative and confirmed safe and well.

Duty Superintendent Michael Murphy said this is a tragic start to the new year for all those affected,

"My thoughts are with the distressed family who are coming to terms with what was intended to be fun, ending in tragedy on day one of this new year.

"A full scale search with a forward command post was activated with all possible resources brought to the area including flood boats, quad bikes and a helicopter.

"Sadly, the crews and the assisting community members found what they hoped they wouldn't, the body of the 40-year-old man.

"It's difficult to make people understand just how dangerous these drains are in full flow. Earlier in the evening, Police called 6 young children out of another one before we had even more tragedies on our hands.

"Education is the key to really hammering home the message about how dangerous these drains are. They are not playgrounds, they are not controlled water slides. As we have seen once again and all too often, they are deadly during storm flooding and must be actively avoided, not actively pursued." Supt Murphy concluded.

The identity of the 40-year-old man is not approved for release while family members are being formally notified.

Media contact:
Katie Fowden
0401 116 540