Media release

Disturbance - Anzac Hill - Alice Springs


Alice Springs Police have a 37-year-old man in custody after a hit and run incident at Anzac Hill this morning.

At about 4:00 am the man is alleged to have been involved in a disturbance involving a number of people at Anzac Hill. He is believed to have driven a Nissan Pathfinder into another vehicle at the location causing the second vehicle to collide with two females, before fleeing.

Police attended Anzac Hill and about half an hour later the offender returned to the scene before attempting to flee again. A short traffic pursuit ensued before the offender stopped the vehicle and attempted to escape on foot, he was apprehended a short time later.

The victims were conveyed to Alice Springs Hospital where they remain, receiving treatment for injuries sustained during the incident.

The offender remains in police custody and is expected to be charged in relation to numerous traffic offences including high range drink driving, later today.

Media Contact

Rickie Scoot

8922 3185