Media release

Cyclone preparedness

Emergency Service


Darwin Region Counter Disaster Controller, Commander Rob Kendrick of the NT Police warns people in the Darwin region that although the area is currently on a cyclone watch, people still need to be prepared for the weather that these systems bring.

"We are well into the wet season now and it is vital everyone in the Territory has their cyclone kits prepared and stored in a safe dry place" he said.

These items include:

Batteries, torches, portable radios
Blankets and sleeping bags
First aid kits
Change of clothes, hats, strong protective covered shoes.
Essential toiletries and medication
Bottled water
Non perishable foods
Cooking utensils

"Also, any important personal documents or family photos need to be stored in a watertight container or bag.

"Where you and your family and any domesticated pets will shelter in the event of a cyclone, also needs to be clearly identified.

"This is not the first cyclone or low pressure system to come our way this season and I would hazard a guess that it will not be the last. I urge you all to be prepared and to also make sure your family, friends and neighbours have organised their cyclone kits and plans too" Commander Kendrick said.

For more information on the low pressure system, please visit the Bureau of Meteorology website .

Media contact:
Amy Sloan
8922 3531