Media release

Crusty Demons – Police Presence


Police will be out in force at the Crusty Demons motorcycle show this weekend to ensure everyone has a safe and enjoyable day.

With an expected 10,000 people to attend the event, members will be providing a high profile presence ensuring public safety and a smooth flow of pedestrian and vehicle access throughout the duration of the event.

Members from the Traffic Enforcement Section will be assisting with traffic management at peak times and members from the Drug Enforcement Section, Commanders Tactical Team and various other areas will be conducting patrols at Marrara focussing on anti social behaviour.

Duty Superintendent Mike Murphy said "Our message is simple. We will be there to ensure everyone has a safe and enjoyable night. All we ask is that everyone looks after one another, drinks sensibly and makes plans to get home safely" he said.

Media Contact:
Amy Sloan
8922 3531