Media release

Car Vs Cyclist - Darwin


NT Police would like to remind all road users of the importance of complying with road rules and regulations at all times after a cyclist was struck by a motor vehicle in Coconut Grove last night.

At approximately 10:00 pm, a 25-year-old female driver was travelling along Bagot Road in a Mitsubishi Lancer when she struck the 17-year-old male cyclist at the intersection of McMillans road. The cyclist was carried approximately 30 meters on the bonnet of the Lancer before the vehicle came to a stop and the cyclist fell off.

It is alleged the cyclist travelled through the intersection on red pedestrian crossing light while listening to music through headphones.

The cyclist received only minor injuries as a result and was treated at the scene by St John Ambulance.

The driver received an Infringement Notice for driving an unregistered motor vehicle.

The cyclist received an Infringement Notice for causing a traffic hazard, riding without lights and riding without a helmet.

Casuarina Police Shift Supervisor Andrew Magrath said it is fortunate the cyclist wasn't seriously injured.

"The young man is lucky he only suffered minor injuries as he was not wearing a helmet, this incident could have had a far worse or even fatal outcome.

"This incident highlights the importance of lawfully following the road rules when crossing the road, designated pedestrian crossings are there for a reason and could have prevented this crash if used correctly," he said.

Sarah Trinne
8922 3531
0437 163 332