Media release

Cannabis Seizure


During screening of passengers and luggage at a Territory charter airline on Wednesday the 15th of December, drug dog Yoda responded positively to cannabis.

A 42-year-old woman is alleged to have been trying to smuggled 48.5 grams of the drug to Groote Eylandt.

Police say two packages were found containing 49 individual clip seal bags of cannabis.

The woman received a summons to appear in court at a later date.

During the same operation, 110.8 grams of cannabis was also found hidden in packaging in the pockets of a pair of shorts.

The clothing was on the flight as part of freight, also destined for Groote Eylandt.

100 individual clip seal bags were recovered as well as two sandwich bags of loose cannabis.

Police say the seizure stops a significant amount of drugs from being distributed in the remote community.

Michael Holland
8922 3365
0437 293 609