Media release

Call for Crime Stoppers caller to come forward


Major Crime Squad detectives are appealing for a man who called Crime Stoppers at 5:51pm on Thursday 24 June with information relating to the house fire in Leanyer earlier that month that killed eight-year-old Nicholas Middis to contact them again.

Detective Superintendent Kris Evans said a review of all the evidence and information obtained so far had shown this caller may have important information that will assist with the identification of the person responsible for the events that occurred in the early morning of Sunday 13 June and his team is very keen for this person to call back.

"I would ask this person to call us either on the Crime Stoppers number 1800 333 000 or 131 444 and leave a contact number so that we can ask some questions about the information that has already been provided," he said

"We now have around 2000 pieces of information relating to this case.

"Of the several hundred people we have spoken to, many have been able to give us useful and relevant information. We believe this anonymous caller to Crime Stoppers may have further valuable information that will assist us in solving this terrible crime."

Media Contact:
David Harris
0437 293 609