Media release

Back to school road safety


Police will be out in force this week to ensure roads are safe as children return to school from their mid-year break tomorrow.

Police will be targeting road safety around school zones, including speed, incorrect parking and the wearing of seatbelts, particularly for children.

All drivers are reminded that the 40km/h speed limit in school zones remains in force from 7:00am to 5:00pm on weekdays.

A/Senior Sergeant Paul Faustmann said "Drivers must slow down and drive with caution to keep our kids safe."

Police will ensure that the speed limit is enforced by conducting radar duty at various locations throughout the day and through the use of speed cameras.

"As well as obeying the speed limit, drivers need to ensure children are buckled in. Not having a seat belt on could be the difference between life and death"

Another safety concern for Police are school crossings being obscured by traffic. Police remind drivers to keep school crossings clear so children can see on-coming cars by ensuring that they do not park in restricted zones.

For children planning to ride to and from school, helmets are a necessity and parents are urged to educate their children about road safety.

"Parents should lead by example and teach children the importance of road safety, such as crossing at signed pedestrian crossings or traffic lights and looking both ways before crossing the road." he said.

Sarah Trinne
8922 3531