Media release

Back to school campaign –Alice Springs


Back to school campaign -Alice Springs

Police in Alice Springs are reminding people to slow down, use caution, and abide by the road rules around school zones as school resumes next week.

Sergeant Conan Robertson of Southern Traffic operations said the period after the long Christmas break is always a time to take extra care.

"Motorists have been accustomed to travelling in the school zones at the normal speed and there are young new students getting used to the layout of the school areas.

"Police will be out and about at all school crossing in a high visibility campaign when schools resume next week," Sgt Robertson said.

"It's incumbent on all motorists to abide by the 40 kilometre per hour speed restrictions from Wednesday when most schools resume. St Phillips College is the only school to resume early. Their students return on Monday, so once again drivers are asked to take particular care around Schwarz Crescent area near the school.

In excess of the speed limit in these areas start at $100 and 1 demerit point and can go up to $500 and 6 demerit points or result in a court appearance.

Media contact:
Tina Simpson
8951 8825
0419 803 603