Media release

Arrests at Yuendumu


Ten people have been arrested so far in relation to a large disturbance in Yuendumu yesterday.

Superintendent Kym Davies said the arrests followed an outbreak of violence within the community following the withdrawal of additional police yesterday morning.

Additional police were brought into the community on Friday in anticipation of the return of family members who fled the community following the last outbreak of violence in September. The additional police were withdrawn on Monday morning as there had been no further incidents within the community. However just before 10.30am yesterday a large disturbance occurred between two family groups involving traditional and improvised weapons. A number of people were injured and were treated at the Yuendumu clinic.

Police reinforcements were again brought into the community and ten people have so far been arrested. Their ages range from 46 to 16 and three of the adults are females.

The 16-year-old male has been charged with participating in a riot and being armed with an offensive weapon. He has been bailed to appear in the Yuendumu Youth Justice Court on December 14. A further eight of those arrested have been transported to Alice Springs where they are expected to be charged later today. The tenth adult was arrested this morning and remains in Yuendumu. Further arrests are expected throughout the day.

Supt Davies said police had been negotiating with the various family members throughout the weekend in an effort to prevent any further violence in the community.

"As well as ensuring we had plenty of additional police in the community to keep the peace, we also searched and seized a large cache of weapons at the start of the weekend," Supt Davies said.

" These were hidden in houses and yards and in scrubland and included everything from traditional weapons such as spears and nulla nullas to improvised weapons made from steel tools and car parts.

"What is particularly disappointing is that despite the best efforts of police on the ground to assist in mediating this dispute, one side still refuses to participate.
Our members are putting themselves at risk to try to prevent violence in the community and we will not tolerate further disturbances. The main perpetrators have been arrested, and more arrests, involving offenders from both sides, are expected to follow. Additional police members will remain in the community until we are reasonably confident the threat of further violence is over.

"Despite these difficult circumstances, credit should go to a number of senior police officers on the ground in Yuendumu who are highly respected by the community and these members have been doing an outstanding job in restoring calm. Now, we can only hope that good will and common sense soon prevails and both sides come to the negotiating table."

Media Contact
Theresa Kuilboer
8951 8825
0419 803 603