Media release

Arrest unlawful entries - Driver


Palmerston Police members arrested a 17-year-old male youth in relation to a number of incidents in Palmerston overnight.

The offender is alleged to have unlawfully entered a house in Driver at about 9:15pm last night. An occupant reportedly heard a bedroom window smash and a short time later located the offenders sitting on a bed before he fled back through the window.

Police flooded the area speaking with the residences and patrolling the neighbourhood.

A short time later Police were alerted to another incident on the same street. It is reported the same offender was sighted standing on the upstairs veranda looking into the home. After spending a short time on the veranda the offender fled the area.

A third incident was received at 10:30 pm of an unlawful entry at the Arch Rival Bar and Restaurant. It is alleged the same offender smashed a window to gain entry to the premises before removing an amount of alcohol. Staff members were still at the location at the time of the incident and reported the matter to police immediately. Palmerston Police members apprehended the offender less then ten minutes later hiding in nearby bushes.

He is expected to be charged with the following offences
Aggravated unlawful entry x 2
Trespass on enclosed premises
Criminal damage x 2

Superintendent Wayne Jenkinson says "If confronted in your home, stay calm, do not confront the offender, leave the house if reasonable and contact police immediately".

"If you're going away over the Easter long weekend remember to thoroughly secure your home or even get friends or family to house sit. Don't leave spare keys outside the house or tools that could be used to break in".

Media Contact:
Rickie Scoot
8922 3185