Media release

Arrest for traffic offences –Alice Springs - 4598860


A driver travelling at 144 kilometres per hour with three unsecured babies in the car has been arrested.

Police on a rural traffic patrol apprehended the Ford Falcon station wagon when they saw it speeding on Larapinta Drive 65 kilometres south-west of Alice Springs just before 5pm on Thursday, August 19.

Police pulled the 37-year-old male driver over and found three babies aged from one to three months being held unrestrained on the laps of some of the occupants of the vehicle. They also found each of the four wheels had only two wheel nuts and the vehicle was unregistered and uninsured.

Senior Sergeant Darrell Kerr said police were appalled by the circumstances.

"This situation was an absolute recipe for disaster, especially when you consider the offender was driving an un-roadworthy car, at speed, with three unrestrained little babies in it. We are simply appalled that anyone could be so irresponsible. "

The man has been charged with:

Exceeding the speed limit by more than 30k/ph
Driving an unsafe car
Driving an unregistered and uninsured car
Drive with a child under 12 months unrestrained.

He will be summonsed to appear in the Alice Springs Magistrates Court at a later date and the vehicle was defected.

Media Contact
Theresa Kuilboer
(08) 89518825
0419 803 603