Media release

Arrest of disqualified driver –Alice Springs


A woman who was on her way to court to answer a drink driving charge was arrested this morning after she was pulled over at a random breath testing station in Alice Springs.

Police said the 36-year-old woman had been arrested and had her driver's licence immediately disqualified in November when she was found to be driving with a blood alcohol level of .183 per cent. She was due in court over the incident today.

When police pulled over a Ford Falcon sedan in Larapinta Drive just after 8am this morning they asked the woman why she was driving when her licence had been disqualified. The woman told police she drove because no-one else had a licence and she was in a hurry to get to court.

She has been charged with driving whilst disqualified.

Media Contact
Theresa Kuilboer
8951 8825
0419 803 603