Media release

Anti-social behaviour patrols - Alice Springs


Police will be patrolling the Alice Springs streets over the next two nights targeting drunken and anti-social behaviour and youth offending.

They will be joined by youth workers from a number of agencies including NT Families and Children Services, Tangentjere Youth Patrol and the Youth Services Outreach Program.

Commander Anne-Marie Murphy said the patrols would target anti-social behaviour and property damage in the town.

"We regularly work with other agencies to deal with issues around youths on the streets at night" Commander Murphy said.

" By conducting these patrols with other agencies we identify problems and initiate referrals to services for the young people in need of assistance as well as those affected by alcohol.

"For instance, where young people are roaming the streets late at night without any adult supervision we work with the other agencies to follow-up any issues to ensure these young people are taken to a place of safety. The appropriate agency will then provide follow-up support..

"Last weekend during Operation Unite, police took more than 300 people into protective custody in Alice Springs. This is an extremely disappointing result. We also saw an escalation in youth offending over the weekend, so our patrols over these two nights will focus on these issues.

"In context though we had a very visible minority disrupting the community and committing offences.

"High visibility patrols will be out on Thursday (tonight) night and Friday night. Their aim will be to identify and assist people at risk and prevent anti-social behaviour and deal with offending."

Media Contact
Theresa Kuilboer
8951 8825
0419 803 603